Our application for the Fall, the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Apply today and join the Prodeo PRIDE!
Students at table with teacher

Our Prodeo Scholars need YOUR help!

Yesterday Elisa read about penguins and then discussed habitats in Southern Argentina - virtually. She also practiced long division while also practicing social distancing. She was on her computer at home. During this unprecedented time, our goal is for all Prodeo Scholars to have the same access to high quality education that Elisa has, but we need more devices. It’s times like these when we realize this work truly takes a village! 
You Can Help!
In order to ensure all of our scholars have a device that will allow them to access schoolwork from home, we are asking that the community help support us in raising additional funds! We need to purchase additional tablets/chromebooks in order to provide all of our scholars with high quality educational access.  We currently have 700 students across our network, and we would need an additional 350 devices to achieve 1:1 tech.  Not only will this support help us in the short-term, but it will also help us to provide a long-term foundation of technology for all students for years to come. It has been our priority over the past several years to increase our capacity to achieve 1:1 tech, so let’s make something positive happen during this unprecedented moment.    
Please click here to make a contribution that will provide a computer for one of (or for a whole class of) our scholars! We know that many of you have already supported us financially this year, and we thank you for making something positive happen during this unprecedented moment. This health crisis is also an educational crisis. We are doing everything we can to provide our students with the tools they need to continue to learn and develop. Each tablet/chrome book costs $290, and with our need for 350 additional devices, every device counts! Please contribute whatever you can to help us reach our goal of 1:1 tech, in order to provide our scholars with continued education during this difficult time.  
More Information
  • Additional Support: All public schools (charter and district) are being asked not only to educate our scholars during this quarantined period, but also find ways to provide breakfast and lunch to all, and provide daycare for 4-12 years old children of healthcare and emergency workers. This is a challenge for schools, and we look forward to doing all we can to support the health of our community and our students. We have immense gratitude toward our educators and healthcare workers during this unique time.  
  • Internet Access: All families will have internet access through their own internet plans, or current options for free wifi
  • Teacher Preparation: All teachers are currently preparing online learning for all students with multiple daily touch points. Teachers will continue virtually monitoring, assessing, and providing feedback on student work. Staff will spend today through March 27th making academic preparations, and working to ensure families can access materials.  
  • Timeline: Students are to officially begin virtual school on April 6th (right after Spring Break), which allows us 19 days to raise funds, order chromebooks/tablets, and get devices into the hands of all of our students.
Thank you again to all of you for your support, as well as to all of our educators who are banding together to do what it takes to serve our kids and community!
Thank you,
Rick and Chancey