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Young students at table learning


Because the NWEA MAP test is a norm-referenced test, performance on the NWEA MAP test is seen as a vital indicator of Prodeo’s student success. Exceeding NWEA MAP goals indicates accomplishing the mission to close the achievement gap. NWEA MAP success is also seen as an indicator that academic programming, specifically math and reading, is effective.

The NWEA MAP test is administered three times a year to all students. Each NWEA test is scheduled two weeks prior to the school’s Data Days. Data Days are days in which teachers review data, collaborate and create data-driven plans to address students’ needs. After administration, Prodeo’s leadership team meets to preview and draft an interim schoolwide action plan to address the school’s results. The school leadership team presents the data to teachers and staff on Data Day. School leaders then support teachers as they collaborate in grade teams to develop specific classroom data-driven plans to address the needs of students.

Prodeo’s leadership team prioritizes its instructional support based on data. Instructional support may include working with a teacher to improve planning, more frequent observations and feedback, a professional development series, and instructional modeling.